Thursday, June 25, 2009

I'm hungry

Just Monday I confirmed what I suspected for a few days -- that I'm knocked up. And now, for the last two days, I've woken up in the middle of the night ravenous and scrounging for food. So at 3 AM I just polished off a piece of leftover KFC that I had in the fridge.

I just realized that I haven't introduced myself. You can call me The Preggo. I'm a wife of about 16 years years to a great man, and mother of a little girl that will soon be 3 years old. My current state is a surprise since it took so long to concieve the first child. We had gone through years of treatment including Clomid (which made me insane, seriously) and Intra Uterine Inseminations. While on a planned two year break from these treatments (while we prepared for IVF), I "spontaneously" conceived.

Now, I'm 40-freaking years-old and knocked up. Not that I'm upset about it, I'm just wondering how and why this is happening now as opposed to say, 10 years ago when I was 6 years into the marriage and 30!

I know that this is a blessing and now I'm freaked out, scared that I won't carry to full term. So I'm carrying this secret around until September. Hence the name of this blog "Preggo Anonymous".

Hope you'll stick around.


  1. Congratulations! I know how scary it is in the beginning. And pregnancy is strange..sometimes it takes forever and sometimes it just happens (usually when LEAST expected)! Good luck!

  2. congrats, preggo :)

    Penelope's Oasis
    (follow mine and i'll follow yours *wink*)
